East King County Housing Needs Analysis

Under the provisions of the Growth Management Act, each city's comprehensive plan housing element is to "include an inventory and analysis of existing and projected housing needs that identifies the number of housing units necessary to manage projected growth."  The goal of this East King County Needs Analysis is to provide all ARCH (A Regional Coalition for Housing) member cities with consistent data and analysis which will inform and assist in the updates of local comprehensive plans.  The housing needs analysis should inform readers as to the specific needs that they can expect to exist within the forecast population.  It is also intended to help understand who lives and works in East King County in order to inform our individual cities and overall sub-region's existing and projected housing needs. 

The document is organized into three sections:

  • East King County Report.  This reports highlights the key demographic and housing information for East King County.  Much of the discussion in this section focuses on the sub-regional level, with some mention of significant variations or similarities between cities and East King County averages.
  • City Summary Report.  A separate report is also provided for each city that is a member of ARCH.  This report highlights where an individual city's conditions vary significantly from the results reported in the East King County report, unique characteristics of the city that impact local housing conditions, and local efforts made in the past to address local housing needs.
  • Housing Needs Analysis Appendix.  The appendix includes a wider range of demographic and housing related data, including more detailed tables for all the information provided in the sub-regional and city summary reports.  Most data is provided at the city, sub-regional and countrywide level.

Download Section I, the East King County report (2015)

Download Section II:

Download Section III, the Appendix (2014)